At Maranatha we practice Household Baptism (or Covenant Baptism) where those who declare their faith in Jesus can also receive God’s promise of love for their children. We do not baptize all babies, only the babies and young children of parents committed to following Jesus.
Those being baptized, or their parents, are asked to affirm their agreement to the following faith commitments, and to publicly state them in a Sunday gathering:
I Admit that I need Jesus to save me from the power and penalty of sin!
I Believe that Jesus is my Savior, that I am God’s child and that God's Spirit lives in me!
I Commit myself, with God's help, to following Jesus as my Lord and to serving him with my life by actively loving others in his name!
The blessing of baptism is a community experience, where we also make promises to you and your family. Our assumption that you will continue to be an active participant in the life of Maranatha.
If you wish baptism for yourself or your child, please fill out the following: